Ordering Your Keg

  • An automatically generated email will be sent to you, confirming receipt of your submission. This email does NOT confirm your order.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from us within two business days, letting you know that your order is approved and will be ready on your selected pick-up date.
  • We will not follow up with you when your keg is ready. Simply stop in and your keg will be waiting for you!


  • Every keg requires a deposit.
  • 1/6 bbl kegs: $75.00 deposit
  • 1/2 bbl kegs: $100.00 deposit
  • Kegs must be returned to the same location they were picked up at, within 90 days. Deposits for overdue kegs will be automatically absorbed.
  • Hand pumps must be returned to the same location they were picked up at, within two weeks. Deposits for overdue equipment will be automatically absorbed.
  • If you would like to retain kegs or equipment longer than the required time, please contact us prior to your due date and we will gladly make reasonable accommodations to extend your rental time.
  • To perform a "Keg Exchange" you may bring in an empty Pizza Port keg that is associated with a keg deposit we have on file in order to carry the deposit over to a new keg. We can not transfer an existing deposit from one name to another.

Picking Up Your Keg

  • Kegs may be picked up between 11AM and 5PM Wednesday and Friday's.
  • Speak with a bartender to pick up. Kegs must be paid for at the time of pick up.
  • Please bring your valid government issued ID.
  • Only the person whose ID information is provided on this form may pick up the keg.

Returning Your Keg

  • Kegs may be returned any time during business hours.
  • Speak with a bartender and present your ID to return kegs. The bartender will refund your deposit to a valid credit or debit card at this time.
  • Only the person whose ID information is provided on this form may receive the keg deposit upon return.

Available Sizes

  • 1/2 Barrel Keg 15.5 gallons / 120 (16 oz.) servings
  • 1/6 Barrel Keg 5.3 gallons / 40 (16 oz.) servings

Additional Information

  • Pizza Port kegs are standard American Sanke kegs.
  • Kegs are subject to availability. Seasonal beers are available for a limited time.
  • The hand pumps we offer for rent are American Sanke “D” couplers. Kegs do not come with a hand pump unless you have added this item to your order.
  • Kegs must be kept cold. Therefore, we recommend picking up your keg the same day as your event, or the same day that you will transfer it to your kegerator.
  • Sorry, we do not have equipment available for transportation, such as buckets or ice.

Questions? Please contact [email protected].

Keg Order Form

If you would like to order more than one of the same keg, please specify this in the notes section below.

We will send an order confirmation within two business days, and may use your email for contact in case of issues.
Click here to select your kegs...

Sorry, no same-day or next-day orders. We require a minimum of 2 full business days to prepare 1/6 bbl kegs, or 1 full business day to prepare 1/2 bbl kegs. 

Approval Day: Monday and Wednesdays

Pick Up Days: Every Wednesday and Friday (Except Holidays)

Pick Up Locations: Bressi Ranch, Ocean Beach, San Clemente

Please provide a legible image of the driver's license or government issued ID for the person who will be picking up the keg. ID provided must be valid.